The Property screen is used to create and manage assets..
3.3.1. Create Property
- Step 1: Select the New function in the Property screen
- Step 2: The system will display the Add new Property screen -> Proceed to add the necessary values
- Only Properties whose status is Active can be displayed on the Orders screen for use.
- When the Order is paid, the Property will automatically change to Sold status
3.3.2. Edit Property
Select the Edit function corresponding to the data line to be edited
3.3.3. View Property
- Step 1: Select the Property you want to view information about
- Step 2: The system will display a screen containing information related to the selected Property
- Images in the Information screen are added from the Gallery screen
- The Sub Properties screen will display a list of child Properties of this Property
- The Payment Plans screen in Finance is used to create payment plans for Property. When creating an Order, if the Order is confirmed, the system will automatically create an Invoice based on the Payment Plans created on this screen. The pre-created invoice will correspond to Plan1. The start date of Invoice 1 will be the Order creation date (Order Date). Due Date of Invoice 1 will be equal to Order Date + Time. The start date of Invoice 2 will be the Due Date of Invoice 1
For example:
- Assume a property has two payment plans: Plan 1 (with a duration of 1 month) and Plan 2 (with a duration of 2 months).
- When an order for a property is created and confirmed, the system generates two invoices, each reflecting the amounts specified in the two payment plans.
- For Invoice 1 (corresponding to Plan 1):
- The invoice date is the same as the order creation date (Order Date).
- The due date is set to one month after the Order Date.
- For Invoice 2 (corresponding to Plan 2):
- The invoice date is the same as the due date of Invoice 1.
- The due date is two months after the Invoice Date of Plan 2.
- For Invoice 1 (corresponding to Plan 1):
- The Expense screen is used to create and manage Expense related to Property.
- The Order screen will display a list of Orders created for the Property
- The Invoice screen will display a List of Invoices arising from the Order when selecting the corresponding Property
- The Document screen is used to upload Property-related files
- Gally screen is used to upload Property images. The image will also display on the Information screen
- The Map screen will display the Property’s location on the map according to the entered latitude and longitude
Select the Delete function corresponding to the data line to be deleted